Data Management

Data Management enables businesses to utilize real internal data to shape business and process decisions without estimation and guesswork. Using technology to harness the power of everyday field data improves business performance and lets organizations focus on their core business, leaving the management of Gas detectors to Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection.
Using data proactively can help you to understand how instruments are being used in the field, and identify synergies and potential efficiencies within your entire fleet.
The Instrument Management System (IMS) from Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection puts everyday field data “in the cloud”, enabling data management of remote workers without needing to visit a central location to download data. Calibration data can be easily accessed remotely via a web browser or a multitude of mobile devices including mobile phones and tablets. With the IMS, it is simple and easy for Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection experts to support you with device monitoring, maintenance, training, etc. and provide improved record keeping. Through its comprehensive reporting capabilities, the IMS improves safety management and regulations compliance.